Dr.Ch. Abrar Majid Participated in 90th Birth day party celebration of Nelson Mandela.

London, 27 June 2008. Dr.Ch. Abrar Majid Participated in 90th Birth day party celebration of Nelson Mandela on 27 June 2008 in London. About 46 thousand people from all over the world participated in this party. Prominant personalities spoke on this occasion. This party was arranged specially in support of his charities. Messages from all over the world came on this speciall occasion. Much beloved Neslon Mandela told the crowed Even as we celebrate, let us remind ourselves that our work is far from complete - our work is for freedom for all." Even as we celebrate, let us remind ourselves that our work is far from complete - our work is for freedom for all." Even as we celebrate, let us remind ourselves that our work is far from complete - our work is for freedom for all"